Climate-fueled disasters tend to disproportionately harm Black, Latino, Indigenous, and disabled people due to decades (and centuries) of racist and ableist policy decisions. Those disproportionate harms, like higher exposure to more extreme heat, continue after the (literal) storm has passed, according to a new study from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, because federal relief and recovery efforts fail to equitably serve affected populations. The report, which assessed the federal responses to Hurricanes Harvey and Maria, found Black and Latino people, people with disabilities, and less-affluent communities faced disproportionate barriers to accessing FEMA aid. The problems were made even worse by FEMA’s failure to have sufficient Spanish-speaking staff — particularly problematic in Puerto Rico. (FEMA failures: Washington Post $; Environmental racism: Axios, NPR; Extreme heat: Thomson Reuters Foundation; Climate signals background: Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Maria, Extreme heat and heatwaves)